Monday, April 7, 2008

The Berry Tree Just gets Bettter

I have no doubts with knowledge you can make thousands online with The Berry Tree and Constant Ad.

The Berry Tree was designed for Passive Members, people who are content in paying their $55.95 a month, receive their healthy products and have the company build a business for them.

Only 5% of my downline have any desire to refer others.

Having so many passive people in our group really sparked both action and creativity.

The Berry Tree is a $10,000 + a month possibility, why are passive members content in waiting the 20 months before receiving $800 plus a month residual income?

Why blame them - an investment of approximately $1100 over 20 months for such a high monthly return is tantalizing.

The Berry Tree Introduction Video

Still, I wondered whether people really would wait the 20 months?

I figured if we created a system whereas our downline paid zero each month not only would they be smiling, there would remain members for life.

The Berry Tree has two defined income streams

1. Accumulate BMC (Bonus Monthly Credits) from the Company, as a stand alone Berry Tree Member you receive 1 BMC every 2 months. This results in 10 BMC over a 20 month period and Bronze Member Status.

This can be fast tracked by joining Berry Tree’s Sister Company Nutronix whereas you receive double BMC’s – depending on what level of Nutronix health products you purchase each month.

2. The quickest method is by referring people to Berry Tree. By introducing 8 people the company pays you $7 a month per member. We now have the $55.95 per month to cover all outflows...

It costs our members zero!

They still receive their product each month and would remain active members as there are no out of pocket expenses. In time they will start making money, in addition accumulate BMC from the company. In 20 months they will have 2 income streams one as a Bronze Member having accumulated 10 BMC and at least $800 a month plus Personal referral commissions.

The next challenge – How was I going to do this?

Having our members achieve Bronze is a low level target, our goal is Gold and beyond where they can earn three, four, five thousand and more each month. That thought was exciting and motivated me into action.

Constant Ad

We all know what a Call Center is, where large companies out source staff to call and generally annoy people, promoting this and that product.

Constant Ad is where we have staff place advertisements on a Daily Basis to selected safe lists, ezines, traffic exchanges, classified ad portals and more.

The single biggest problem with advertising is consistency. To enable our Berry Tree members fast track their earnings one need to be Constant and Systematic with their efforts.

Any one who currently is a Berry Tree Member or you may be thinking of becoming one, please send through a comment. Be happy to hear from you.

Remember: You really can make thousands online with The Berry Tree and Constant Ad.

Success to you

Melissa Lee
852 91321778